



£2 – Natio<em></em>nal flowers
The coin features a rose for England, a daffodil for Wales, a thistle for Scotland and a shamrock for Northern Ireland.

Inspired by the King’s inaugural address on September 9 2022, the edge ins<em></em>cription reads: “In servitio omnium”, meaning: “In the service of all.”
Pic:Royal Mint £1 – Bees
These industrious insects play a pivotal role in pollinating many plants and fruiting trees
They are commo<em></em>nly found in gardens, parks, woods, orchards and meadows – and now on the reverse of the UK £1 coin
Pic:Royal Mint



50p – Atlantic salmon

Wild populations are low due to factors such as river pollution, habitat loss, river heating and overfishing.

They can be found in clean rivers in Scotland and Wales along with those in North and South West England. 20p – Puffin 
Classed as a Red List species, there is hope for the puffin if action is taken to protect their nesting sites and food supply
PicRoyal Mint




10p – Capercaillie

Found in a small part of Scotland, the capercaillie is the world’s largest grouse and features on the reverse of the UK 10p coin.

After becoming extinct o<em></em>nce before, in the mid-18th century, the species is now at risk of becoming extinct for the second time
Pic:Royal MInt 5p – Oak tree leaf
The UK 5p coin displays a leaf taken from an oak tree, signifying its role as a rich habitat for biodiversity in woodland areas.

Supporting more life than any other native tree species in the UK, the oak tree has a long association with monarchies, as ancient kings of Britain and Roman Emperors wore crowns of oak leaves.
Pic:Royal Mint



2p – Red squirrel
The red squirrel’s distinctive colouring blends perfectly with the reddish hue of the UK 2p coin
Pic:Royal Mint 1p – Hazel dormouse

Small in stature, the hazel dormouse is a fitting presence on the UK 1p coin.
Mostly found in southern England in the UK, the hazel dormouse population in the UK has halved since 2007
Pic:Royal Mint

新版2英镑硬币的边缘铭文是由国王挑选的,上面写着:“In service tio omnium”,意思是“为所有人服务”。这句话摘自2022年9月9日国王的就职演说。




Pic: Casey Gutteridge/Royal Mint


